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2 Month Photos- a little bit {vintage}

 I recently did a photo session with our two month old...I don't have a ton of experience with studio type setups and backgrounds, but I thought I would show you what I did to fake it a bit!
 I started by picking my props...I'm realizing I am not a huge fan of lots of "extras" in the photos...I just want to capture my kiddo's personalities in a interesting way. In this case I embraced my obsession with everything vintage! I chose a chalkboard...I know, maybe chalkboards are becoming a bit over done? I don't think quite yet, and who cares, if I like it, that's all that matters, right? You may remember this chalkboard from one of my Yard Sale Posts? It cost me a whopping $1! I have had it hanging in my entry way, not getting much attention,  for a couple months now. The cool thing it is two sided, one side has the alphabet and the other is just a plain chalkboard.

I decided to free hand my design right onto the board- I wasn't going for perfection- I happen to think the imperfections are what make chalkboards so whimsical.

The next prop I chose was this incredible vintage blanket that my husband's grandma made for him when he was a baby( ...using the word vintage makes me feel old! ) Don't you think the chevron/wave pattern is amazing! I found this little gem in my mother-in-laws closet and the second I saw it I knew it would fit right in with what I have planned for the nursery!

Then I set up a photo area...I used our toy box with a blanket draped over it as the background. Its not the ideal set up, but I used what I had...which means if I can do it so can YOU!! The biggest issue I had was being able to get far enough away to get everything in the photo, this took playing with different lenses( which I won't even try to explain because I barely know anything about them). Here is what I ended up with!!

Not bad for an impromptu -oh, no! I better take some photos because this kid is already 2 months old!!!- photo session!

Haha...Elle was mommy's little assistant- she was very concerned that he had a wet diaper- we can't have that in pictures now can we!

Here is a comparison of his newborn/2 month pics!

Babies grow way to fast! 

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